In February, 1996, a person high on PCP was trying to kill himself. This being toward the end of the 45 minute situation, the person had already worked his way from a previous power pole by walking on the low voltage wire and hanging on to the other wire that was around him. The power company had de-energized the low voltage lines at this point. What you see now is this person on PCP ascending the level of HIGH VOLTAGE. The wires above him at this point are energized at 16,600 volts WYE system “for all you overhead junkies.”
The person who was on PCP reached out and grabbed the hot conductor! At that instant 16,600 volts shot through his body. If you can believe it, the guy is inside of the ball of fire that you see. He did not fall at that moment. The air surrounding him becomes ionized and begins to conduct and actually burn. The small ball of fire that you see towards the bottom near the street lamp is where the arc went to ground through the secondary conductors. Notice the whipping action of the wire he is holding onto. You might find it interesting to compare all the pictures with one another to try to see if you can pick out all the changes as massive amounts of current try to reach ground!
Want to see some other great videos of high voltage out of control? Click here.
Bottom line: electricity can kill you. BE CAREFUL!